
The Georgia Institute of Tecnology's Library

Decent Essays

The Georgia Institute of Technology’s Library is a research institution located in Atlanta Georgia. The prestigious academic library is an integral hub for science and engineering students from around the globe. From its small origins in a one room classroom and only one librarian in 1901; the library officially opened its doors in 1907.As of 2014, the library now requires a large staff of 136-150 employees, in order to maintain the academic library. The materials budget varies from $4,000,000 to $6,818,190. A huge portion is spent on periodicals and databases. A portion of the budget, around $250,000 is deviated for monograph or books. A wealth of resources and imperative information, the library’s approximate collection for titles is 1,061,206; volumes is 2,537,869 (including 248,580 e-books).In 2012, 9,229 volumes have been acquired.
I spoke to two different Heads of Acquisitions at GA Tech. First I spoke to Tom Fisher; he has been employed at the GA Tech library for 22yrs. Initially he worked in circulations, now he works in monograph (books) acquisitions as the Assistant Head of Acquisitions & Serials. He is responsible for the purchase of monographs and standing orders; receives and processes purchase requests. I also conducted a web interview with Elizabeth Winter, the Assistant Department Head & E-resources Coordinator. Both of them provided profound insight into academic acquisitions. The report is a consolidated interview.
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