
The Girl Museum

Decent Essays

The Girl Museum is a very interesting website and has a lot of valuable information about women’s studies. I found myself very in shock at the amount of content available for stories from long ago and now that were just about women. Unlike other museums, you are able to continue to go back again and get information for a lifetime rather than a one day visit. While browsing the site, I noticed something I have always been very interested in and that is images and stories of powerful women from thousands of years ago. I mostly found it awe inspiring that these women weren’t always considered to be saints and people who have done great works. That many of them weren’t viewed as important figures in their time whatsoever. Also, there were exhibitions that lead you to the sites of great organizations that are paving the way for girls all across the world to be heard and really giving a unique outlet to them. …show more content…

Therefore, I found the heirloom section of the museum very interesting and that you could even create your own story about your family with directions given on how to do so. Women from all around the world are able to communicate and even given the opportunity to be a guest blogger on the site. The present is also very important on this network giving valid information about the women of the today and what they are doing to make a difference not just for women but the world. Overall, I am very impressed with what I have seen this far and am looking forward to the future assignments that will come from the Girl

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