
Penn Museum Research Paper

Good Essays

Keegan McKoskey
History Museum Paper

For the History Museum paper, we took a trip to the Penn Museum in Philadelphia. It was interesting that the tour guide asked who has been there before and I was only one of three people who raised their hand. Nobody knowing I was born and raised in Philadelphia, I have been to the Penn Museum only once when I was younger. I was actually pretty excited to go again and see what has changed since I have been there. As I was walking around the museum, I was shocked and in complete desire when me and my friends walked into a large circle roof type architecture. It was absolutely amazing to be inside and under it. Finally, we reached our destination which was the Mummy exhibit and were impressed with what they had on site. The definition for a Mummy that I got from the internet is, “A mummy is the body of a person (or an animal) that has been preserved after death” (Barrow). Egyptians thought that there was …show more content…

If I had to say one thing ancient Egyptians were famous for it was that they built tremendous pyramids and had a great amount of skill. Some pyramids still exist and it is amazing how they built them and are still standing today. In the civilization of Ancient Egypt, there were six periods which were the Pre-dynastic period, Old Kingdom, the 1st Intermediate period, the Middle Kingdom, the 2nd Intermediate period, and New Kingdom (TimeMaps). The Pre-dynastic period began in 3500-3000 BC and led to the unified group of Egypt as a community. The Old Kingdom began in 2650 which was around the time that the Great Pyramids of Giza were being built. A man named Narmer was the founder of the 1st dynasty of Ancient Egypt and was looked at as a god. Narmer was mainly known for his hieroglyphic writing and his monuments. Even in todays world, hieroglyphics are used to decode language and is basically the language for the ancient Egyptian

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