
The Giver And Caitlin Comparison Essay

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Is Caitlin from “dreamland” and Jonas from “The Giver” really all that different? Caitlin is a girl who is hidden in her sister's shadow, her sister runs away and she meets this boy Rogerson. She dates him because he makes her feel different and she wants to be someone other than her sister. Jonas lives in a community with lots of restrictions that are not as the eye could see. He wants to try and find new things besides his community because he feels that people shouldn't live like they were living. They both have secrets that could cause serious consequences if they tell anyone. Caitlin from “dreamland” and Jonas from “The Giver” have similarities and differences. Jonas and Caitlin are similar because they both want to be different from everyone else. For example, Caitlin does not want to live in her sister's shadow and wants to be known as her own person. I can relate her to Jonas when he does not want to live in the Community's shadow because he does not think what they are doing is right. In addition, Caitlin and Jonas are similar because they both have a secret that they can …show more content…

One has a secret that is bad and one has a secret that is good. Jonas’s secret has to do with how he has memories from the past which is not necessarily bad. Rogerson is abusing Caitlin and she can't say anything because he will hurt her anymore. Sarah dessen wrote, “He slapped me hard across the other cheek, and it felt like part of my face was shattering into tiny pieces…’ What happened to you, Caitlin?’ “I fell,” I said quickly, even as she leaned in close, brushing my hair off my forehead”. Jonas cannot say to anyone that he has memories of the past, but he feels different and has never experienced anything like it. In the Giver it states “ 4. Do not discuss your training with any other member of the community, including parents and elders”. Jonas and Caitlin have many secrets that they can not

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