
The Giver Book Reports

Decent Essays

For my summer reading assignment, I decided to read the book written by Lois Lowry, which is called The Giver. The main characters in The Giver include; Jonas ( who is eleven years old turning twelve), The Giver, Gabriel (Gabe) and Jonas’s father. The setting of the story takes place in a utopian community. The “community” takes place in the future. The story begins in a futuristic utopian community where we meet our protagonist, Jonas. Jonas is getting prepared for the Ceremony of Twelve. Every December, there is a ceremony for each age group starting with Year 1 and ending with Year 12. This is where all of the year 11’s move up to Year 12 and get their life assignments. All of the Year Twelves get assigned but Jonas doesn't get assigned, …show more content…

On the day that Jonas starts his training he is given instructions, which one of them is not to tell anybody about his training. He is then greeted by a elderly man who is called the Giver and is told about his assignment. The Giver has memories and Jonas is the receiver of those memories. The Giver gives Jonas all sorts of memories each with colors and emotion. For example, one memory gave the emotion of pain. Red was used to represent blood. One day Jonas asks about release. In response, the Giver takes Jonas to where his dad works. Not really but there a screen showing what's happening. Earlier that morning Jonas’s dad was talking about twins being born. Thats a problem because if twins are born, the heavier one is kept and lighter one is released. Jonas sees the lighter twin in his dad arms and then on a table. Jonas’s dad then ejects a needle and the substance in the needle makes the baby squirm and wails for a bit but then it stops. After it stops moving, Jonas’s dad disposes him down a chute and he walks out of the room. Jonas can't believe it. His father just killed an innocent child. This is the climax of the

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