
The Glass Menagerie - Amanda Wingfield Essay

Decent Essays

The Glass Menagerie - Amanda Wingfield If there is a signature character type that marks Tennessee -Williams’s dramatic work, it is undeniably that of the faded Southern belle. Amanda is a clear representative of this type. In general, a Tennessee Williams faded belle is from a prominent Southern family, has received a traditional upbringing, and has suffered a reversal of economic and social fortune at some point in her life. Like Amanda, these women all have a hard time coming to terms with their new status in society—and indeed, with modern society in general, which disregards the social distinctions that they were taught to value. Their relationships with men and their families are turbulent, and they staunchly defend the …show more content…

Unlike them, she is convinced that she is not doing so and, consequently, is constantly making efforts to engage with people and the world outside her family. Amanda’s monologues to her children, on the phone, and to Jim all reflect quite clearly her moral and psychological failings, but they are also some of the most colorful and unforgettable words in the play. The essence of Amanda’s character is caught in her first speech. She seems to need to nag at her children, especially Tom, and she is not even aware that she is nagging. Essentially, she must have something to talk about, and she nags at Tom about little things because she fears that she has lost or is losing him as far as the big things, the significant things, in life are concerned. Amanda’s sense of unreality is caught in these first episodes as she lives in a world of servants and gentlemen callers. Always her language suggests another time and place. Note that all of Amanda’s so-called gentlemen callers either came from the wealthy or became wealthy. The question will arise as to whether she actually had these callers or not. Amanda might have been somewhat popular, but it is almost inconceivable to believe that she actually did have as many as seventeen gentlemen callers. But what is important is that Amanda now believes this story so strongly that the gentlemen callers have become a reality for her. The scene ends again on

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