
The Global Issue Of South Africa

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The Global Issue in South Africa

Corruption has overrun all aspects of South African culture since the early 1900’s. The government, the police force, and all of the citizens commit acts of corruption on an everyday basis in order to secure contracts, grants, and in order to earn more money. From a business standpoint, as government contracts are given to certain businesses with connections, many other legitimate businesses are driven out of the market, often leading to less than ideal goods. Prices have significantly inflated, as the contracts are not necessarily given to the lowest bidder, which has caused a very chaotic currency in South Africa
The Approach
After receiving our assignment, our team focused on five main areas that deal with business corruption in South Africa. We split up into teams of two and each team got to choose their area of focus which include: the history of South Africa in regards to business, demographics, and politics, general corruption in business in the world and in South Africa, specific corruption of the South African government and corruption with contracts, business corruption in the form of bribery, and historical events concerning corruption in South Africa.
Our consulting firm will address the corruption in South Africa by first giving a general overview of corruption in South Africa and the specific types of corruption that are involved in building a road- the objective of our executives. In the seminar the

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