
The Gospel Of John Of Course

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First, the historical issues in the gospel of John… of course, historical skepticism about John’s portrayal of Jesus did not begin yesterday. That the Johannine Jesus is preaching the gospel of the post-resurrection church has been apparent to most exegetes since the rise of historical criticism. Moreover, we are asked to believe that Jesus gave sight to a man blind from birth and raised from the dead a man who had been dead for four days. Really, the Jesus’ supernatural power is too much in evidence for Bultmann’s modern man or woman. Yet such power is already manifest in the synoptic Jesus. John only enlarges it or goes out of his way to call attention to it. Here, as in other case, John makes what is latent in the synoptic patent or explicit (Smith 49). … The third quest of the historical Jesus has unmistakably understood this fact. For theologically, particularly the New Testament, this means that Jesus’ humanity is inseparably from his Jewishness, if it is more than a mere and meaningless abstraction. But was the Judaism of Jesus himself the same as the Judaism portrayed in the gospel of John? Moreover, was the relationship of Jesus to Judaism the same? Apparently not, but the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed the existence of a Palestinian Judaism with some affinities with Johannine theological language. Yet this fact, although important did not lead to immediate success in a situating John in or in relation to Judaism (Smith 3).
Secondly, the literary issues in the gospel

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