
The Great Alaskan Voyage - Original Writing

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The Great Alaskan Voyage
Waking up feeling the cold, brisk air, I rolled over and hopped off the pull out couch.
The idea of being in a small kayak in the ocean off the coast of Seward, Alaska was a little terrifying. On July 14th, my family and I cruised on a kayaking trip in the Alaskan Pacific Ocean. From Miller’s Landing, we traveled to a World War II military base in kayaks. My family had been talking about this kayak adventure since we planned our vacation to Alaska. I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I was a baby kayaker paddling in a gianormous ocean. Little did I know, that I would paddle for hours, explore not only Alaska’s history, but America’s, and have a lifetime experience that I will never forget. I knew nothing about kayaking. Neither did the rest of my family. In the matter of maybe 15 minutes our kayak instructors, Matt and Amy educated us on how to paddle and keep the kayak afloat, we were then launched into the frigid ocean. No one knew exactly how far we would be paddling in this vast open water that seemed to engulf us all. In the beginning, I was being very precise with my newly learned skills, starting the oar at my feet and pulling it up to my hip. I was also precise on cutting the water correctly to save energy. Shortly after paddling which seemed like forever, we were only halfway to our destination. Amy yelled out, “The island is right up there,” by then I was ready for a break, my arms burned and my hips were stiff.

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