
The Great Commission Analysis

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From the genesis of creation, God’s mission is to motivate his creation (people) to work with the resources he provides to bring forth new and good things and establish an order to a chaotic and broken world. In fact, the world that God created is good, and when humans begin to work alongside God in creation, things become ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31). Unfortunately, because of the fall of humanity, God’s creation strays away and falls short of God’s original intent. As a result, the human condition swings on a pendulum from good too bad while God’s continues to reconcile humanity. God first chose the nation of Israel, then sent Jesus and Jesus’ subsequent death and resurrection to continue God’s reconciliation in the world today. Additionally, …show more content…

In each of these occurrences of the Greek word “pas,” there’s some kind of categorical limitation. However, my understanding as it relates to the “great commission” is all means all and I approach God’s mission with this understanding. I join God’s mission with the lens seeing that every creature needs hear the good news of Jesus saving work in the world. The importance of the word all should must be accentuated in joining God in God’s mission. My understanding is sculpted in my personal testimony. Five generations before me, my family was brought to America as slaves. They labored in fields and experienced less-than-human treatment and one can only imagine how hardened one’s heart must have been in light of the atrocities that brought them to America. My great great great grandfather Hope Quick was one of those slaves on a plantation in Bennettsville, South Carolina. One night after working in the fields, someone invited him a camp meeting where slaves were allowed to meet to hear the gospel. In spite of his station as a slave, Bishop Francis Asbury preached that Jesus died so that “all” might be saved. In that moment, he begin to cry and even though he was a slave he accepted the gospel message and became a Christian; a follower of the way. It is through that missionary who joined God in God’s mission that the Quick family and future generations came to know Christ. This experience profoundly shaped my understanding that all means all. My missiology is immersed in this concept because scripture clearly says all. There are no limitations to God’s saving grace and that grace is for

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