
Ronald Reag The Great Communicator

Decent Essays

The Great Communicator

The great communicator – is the phrase coined to describe Ronald Reagan by both his supporters and his critics. His approach to leadership was truly charismatic. John D Rockefeller said, “The ability to deal with people is as purchasable as a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for anything under the sun”. Reagan had the ability to get others to conform to his version of what a nation really should be. Ronald Reagan continually developed his leadership ability from his early years, while he was governor of California, and during his presidency.

It was during his early years when Reagan first began to stand above his peers. He got his first taste of office when he became …show more content…

With his newfound strength and skill, Reagan made an attempt for presidency against Jimmy Carter winning 489 to 49 electoral votes. The movement behind the monumental win was called the Reagan Revolution in which Reagan said “In this present crisis, Government is not the solution to our problem; the government is the problem” (Cross, 2013)Only seven months after he took office, Reagan was confronted by the Air traffic controller strike. To demonstrate his convictions, Reagan echoed the words of Calvin Coolidge when he told the union, “There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, at any time” (Carlson, 2012)and

he gave them forty-eight hours to return to work. On August 5, 1981 as the deadline passed he fired over 11,000 air traffic controllers that refused to go back to work.

While in office Reagan used his degree in economics and sociology to bring about change. He offered a new revolutionary way of thinking. Rather than taxing the rich, he offered to lower their taxes so that they could reinvest it back into the economy, thus creating new jobs and so bringing about new taxable revenue. Today, this way of thinking is called Reaganomics or the Trickle down theory. Once again Reagan illustrated his leadership skill in his masterful decisions on a national level. He also showed leadership on the international stage, by developing a personal relation with the Soviet Union, during the summit

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