
The Great Depression Was An Awful Time Essay

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Franklin Roosevelt once said, “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.” There was a lot of ideals that went into making the New Deal how it was. One ideal that played a factor was that fact that people that were affected by the Great Depression feared they were honestly going to starve to death due to different factors that contributed to The Great Depression. Another ideal was the fact that there was inequality in the 1920s and most people could not participate in the economic boom. Workers wages were way too low. The last main ideal that went into the The Deal was the fact that there was a lack of purchasing power. The Great Depression was an awful time and it was hard for the President to try and meet everyone’s needs. The Great Depression was started because inequality was prevalent in the 1920’s. Most people did not participate in the economic 1920’s boom, because a lot of worker’s wages were too low for them to afford it. Immigrants, outsiders, wealthy/greedy people all contributed to The Great Depression. The first major ideal that went into making the New Deal was how scared people were during this time. Everyone was on their own and trying to fight for their lives and their families lives. “The first thing that should be done is stop immigration. Let the other countries take care of their own un-employed” (McElvaine 44). This working man

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