
The Great Gatsby Daisy Character Analysis

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In the novel, The Great Gatsby wrote by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it mentions several times about how negative this specific character, Tom Buchanan is. Something negative about Tom is that he is abusive. When Myrtle says “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy” Tom becomes irritated and Myrtle becomes obnoxious by saying, “I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy Dai-----” and that is when his fist broke Myrtle nose (Fitzgerald 37). Tom’s violence in the scene with Myrtle was out of hand, when she kept mentioning Daisy’s name repeatedly, he was sick and tired of her so he decides to stop her by punching her in the nose. Tom is also known as arrogant. Tom described Gatsby like he is not worthy of knowing: “‘Who is this Gatsby anyhow?’ demanded Tom suddenly. ‘Some big

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