
The Great Gatsby Daisy's Marriage Quotes

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In almost all wedding ceremonies they say the phrase, “ have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”, but I wonder how many people take this to heart. Now, more than ever, do married couples get a divorce. Usually, when people get married they are in the ‘for better’ part, but as life goes on and they go into debt they start to become unhappy. This makes me wonder if money persuaded their decision in getting married. Did they marry this person because they truly loved them or because of their wealth? I think this a lot when reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, when observing how Daisy’s love towards her two main love interests, Tom and Gatsby. …show more content…

Even before they were married, she didn’t like him, but she was persuaded by his wealth. The night before their wedding, Tom gave Daisy a string of pearls worth more than three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That night Daisy was questioning her decision. She took the pearls out of a trash bin and cried, “‘Take ‘em down-stairs and give ‘em back to whoever they belong to. Tell ‘em all Daisy’s change’ her mine. Say: “Daisy’s change’ her mine!”’ She began to cry-she cried and cried” (76). This was just the start to their dreadful marriage. Daisy knows that Tom has been cheating on her for years, but she insists on staying with him. From what I have seen, it appears that the only love Daisy has for Tom is because of his

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