
The Great Gatsby - Reactions to Myrtle Wilson's Death

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Reactions to Myrtle Wilson's Death in The Great Gatsby In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Jay Gatsby is a passenger in the car which strikes Myrtle Wilson, which is driven by Daisy Buchanan. After the car hits Myrtle, Daisy continues to drive, but collapses on Gatsby, forcing him to drive. At the Buchanan's house, Nick Carraway talks to Gatsby, who "[speaks] as if Daisy's reaction [is] the only thing that [matters]" (136). Due to his incessant love for daisy, he only focuses towards Daisy's emotions and even takes the blame for her. Regardless Myrtle's death, Gatsby's dream of having Daisy to himself makes him center his attention to her feelings after the accident. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald …show more content…

Gatsby's intrusion in his personal life creates a spark within Tom, in which he begins to care more for his wife. With the belief of Gatsby killing his mistress, Tom changes his attitude, in order to prove his love for his wife and to make sure that Gatsby cannot achieve his goal of taking Daisy away from him. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Jordan Baker arrives at

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