
The Great Gatsby Thesis Statement

Decent Essays

Topic Sentence: Establish the overall focus of the paragraph and directly support the thesis statement: Alienation is revealed in the scene during Gatsby’s party, when everyone starts making inaccurate conclusions about his background due to the fact that Gatsby keeps his information to himself.

Claim: Explain how/why the topic sentence is valid. The claim must be specific and arguable: Due to the fact that Gatsby keeps his personal information to himself, many of his guests wonders, what his background was when he was a child, how he became rich, and where he studied at which leads to his guests making imprecise accusations about what his life was like. The accusations made about Gatsby without truly knowing who he was alienates himself …show more content…

Thoroughly set the scene: One evening Nick decided to go to a party he was invited to by Jay Gatsby. During this party, Nick realizes that he knows no one at the party until Jordan Baker, a girl he has mixed feelings for, shows up. After this, the dialogue switches to Jordan and as Jordan and two other girls were conversing, they leaned towards each other telling each other the rumors they heard about Gatsby. Although all three of these girls don’t really know Jay Gatsby, they continue to spread these unreliable accusations about him and his life story. During this conversation, Jordan and the two other girls were concluding, “

Textual Evidence: Support the argument put forth by the topic sentence and claim. Relevant textual evidence includes key words/phrases and/or literary devices that support the argument. Underline the keys words/phrases and/or the use of literary devices, and include a citation: “Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once.’ (...) I don’t think it’s so much that,’ argued Lucille sceptically; ‘it’s more that he was a German spy during the war.’ (...) ‘You’ll look at him sometimes when he thinks nobody’s looking at him. I’ll bet he killed a man” (Fitzgerald

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