
The Greek Philosophers And The Philosophers

Decent Essays

The Greek philosophers did not explain the world using Gods. Instead, they preferred to explain the world using principles. These principles were fundamental in how the philosophers taught their students. Three philosophers, Plato, Epicures, and Aristotle, used different principles to help them explain the world and the universe around them. In this essay, the principles of these three philosophers will be explained and then compared with each other.
When the philosophers spoke of principles, they were referring to what connects everything together or what makes everything the same. The philosophers wanted to be able to explain the universe using these principles. Philosophers came up with their own basic principles that they thought …show more content…

And this they must do, even with the prospect of death”(Cave 2). It is clear in this quote how important Plato thought the understanding of philosophy and the soul was. To imply that it is important enough to understand these ideas that it would be worth it to go back into the cave just to teach this to someone else shows how devoted he was to this principle. He also believed in immortality of the soul and the idea that our souls exist before our births, which he spoke about in many of his writings. He believed that souls exist in three parts; a rational part that wants to know the truth, a spirited part that wants honor and victory, and an appetitive part which wants food, drink and sex (1). Along with this idea, he believed that souls are reincarnated into different life forms (1). In conclusion, Plato focuses on the intellect and the soul to explain the universe.
Epicurus was a philosopher from about 341 – 270 BC. Epicurus believed that everything in the universe was made of atoms. He is the first philosopher we have studied that tried to break things down as current scientists do. He looks at atoms and how they interact just as modern physicists and chemists do. He believed that everything, everything physical and everything non physical things such as hearing, which he explains is when atoms bounce off of something that makes noise, sight, he explains as atoms flowing out of an object,

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