
The Growing Of Evil In John Steinbeck's East Of Eden

Decent Essays

The tone of East of Eden is nostalgic. Steinbeck writes about his childhood with fond memories of a better time. He often accounts his favorite memories of his youth and describes them to be simpler times that he still longs for. The tone is most apparent as Steinbeck describes the setting and his family members. The mood of East of Eden is hopeful. Although Steinbeck depicts the follies of man through the retelling of the creation story, he displays that man has the choice to choose good. Just as man can recover from his fall in Genesis, so too can the major characters of East of Eden. The reader sees the faults in man but feels that good may enable man to overcome them.

V. SYMBOLISM The darkening of Cathy Ames’ scar represents the growing of evil. Throughout her whole childhood, Cathy escaped punishment through deception and manipulation. It is not until her boyfriend discovers her true intentions and desire to steal his money that Cathy will first be punished. He unsuccessfully tries to kill Cathy, leaving her with a scar on her forehead. As Cathy’s crimes become more complex and rooted deeper in evil, the scar darkens, “‘And both of them remarked about how sometimes it was darker than other times”’ (212). When first meeting Cathy, characters feel an uncomfortable strange feeling in her soul and then remark on the peculiar scar. The scar exhibits Cathy’s true nature and ever-growing evil. The character Abra represents purity and woman as she should be. Cathy and

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