
The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act

Decent Essays

Mr. / Mrs. CEO, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule is the driving force in protecting our patient’s information. We take patient privacy serious and will continue to do so. The following is a summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). Organizations/facilities that are regulated by the Privacy rule are called entities. Entities play a major part in protecting patient’s health information. Per the Health and Humans Services (HHS), “A major goal of the Privacy Rule is to assure that individuals’ health information is properly protected while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high quality health care and to protect the public 's …show more content…

3) are in place in order to protect individually identifiable information. HIPAA requires that individually identifiable information be protected. This information includes but not limited to any information pertaining to physical or mental health, provisions of health care, payment or any other information that can lead to the patient’s identity. Currently, there aren’t restrictions on de-identified information. The entity must first ensure that there are no individually identifiable information within the document before disclosing the information. Notices of Privacy Practices (NPP) for this facility has been put into place. The NPP tells the patient how their information may be used and disclosed. “An individual has a right to receive adequate notice of how a covered entity (CE) may use and disclose his or her protected health information (PHI)” (AHIMA, 2013). The NPP Practices must be handed out to the patient prior to services rendered. The following is a list of statements made within our NPP. 1. A statement of how the patient’s information will be used with examples. For example, treatment, research or appointment reminders. 2. A statement that the patient’ s information will only be disclosed with the written consent of the patient and that that authorization can be withdrawn at any time. 3. A statement that the patients’ information may be released under certain circumstances without their written consent. 4. Statement of who the

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