
The Helmet Of A Motorcycle Car

Satisfactory Essays

The History of helmets go all the way back to 1966 and earlier. The first helmet for a

motorized vehicle was made in motivation. The man with the brilliant plan was Dr. Hugh Cairns.

He was determined to come up with a solution to make motorized vehicles safer when his dear

friend T.E Lawrence who died from a motorcycle crash.

After that idea a man with the name of Professor C.F Lombard of Southern California

made and patented a helmet made of layers of leather to disperse and absorb the impact of a

crash. Well that was the theory any ways sadly, the first models were ineffective, due to lack of

materials to use. It would take years for research in materials and design of the helmet to make

it successful.

Daniel Gady …show more content…

There are three main types:

Daniel Gady

Period 3

January 23, 2017


1: Thermoplastic- which is hot plastic, that means it can be poured into molds and then cooled

to form the shell of a helmet. These helmets are not that hard and require extra padding (which

is usually foam) to meet safety standards.

2: Fiber Glass- These shells cost more than plastic. This is because they are harder to make. To

make these helmets it requires layer and layers of fiber cloth. The advantage of these shells are

they are harder and lighter than plastic. This shell is also good at absorbing impact.

3: Kevlar- These helmets shells are very strong which then means there doesn’t need to be as

many layers. Since there are less layers there is more room for padding. This concludes with the

result that Kevlar helmets are very light weight and smaller which makes these helmets the

best on the market. (Nine, 2014)

How effective is it?



“Wearing the proper motorcycle helmet saves lives and reduces concussions and other

head injuries.

In 2008, 1,829 motorcyclists nationwide were saved by wearing their helmets.1

Motorcycle helmets are estimated to be 37% effective in preventing fatal injuries to

motorcycle riders and 42% effective for passengers.

Helmets are 67% effective in preventing brain injuries in crashes; riders without helmets are

three times more

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