
The Hero's Journey: Dido Of Carthage And Romulus And Remus

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Myths & Gsdg
Hero´s Journey
The Hero's Journey model for the analysis of the 2 myths Dido of Carthage and Romulus and Remus consists of 3 different parts or acts, the first one is the departure consist in all that have relationship with the action of living for starting the JOURNEY.
It have different stages or objectives that came from some authors and their books in which they have the description of the stories and everything else. The second one is the Initiation which consists in when the departure is already overcome and it begins to be more difficult and with more challenges to the Hero. Also it begins to have some tests like the The road of trials, the woman as temptress, the ordeal and some others. And for last is the Return …show more content…

When she leaves she discover a new place in which she wants to start a great city, when she arrives to the place she founds with Jarbas which was the King of the berbers and was the owner of the land so Dido decides to do a treatment with him so she offers him a skin of a bull for covering the land and she trick Jarbas so he need to seal the deal. And after a time the land was ready, the city was constructed and Carthage the new city was build. In this moment Jarbas propose marriage to Dido and if she did not accept his proposal then all will suffer. So she decides to give her life for Carthage life for …show more content…

Death: Because she die at the moment she decides to sacrifice for its city.
Reward: Because the reward was the successful and advance city she achieved to build.
Allies and Enemies: Because she had allies that help her and enemies that destroy the plans she had. Return:
Freedom to live: Because it occurs in two situations: the first one is when she live Tyre and have the freedom of living and the second one when she died she have the freedom of “living” because that was a belief they had.

What are the GSDG?
The GSDG are the Global Sustainable Development Goals which are 17 goals that have a main purpose is to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people in world about a peaceful, prosper and better future. The idea is to meet these goals for 2030. All these goals complement each other and in these case we are talking about two of these 17 goals that are: the #5 and the #16. The #5 is Gender equality and the #16 is peace, justice and strong institutions.

The main features of this goal are:
End all forms of discrimination to a women and this is crucial for completing the other

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