
The History Of Behavioral Psychology

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Behavioural psychology began in the 20th century. Behavioural psychology concentrated on observing behaviour and determined to make psychology a scientific discipline. Behavioural psychology was seen as an significant change to the other schools of thought in psychology that were around at the time.
Behaviourism concentrates on three key processes believed to govern all forms of learning, these are
Classical condition
Operant Condition
Social learning theory The history of behavioural psychology began with Pavlov. At the Pavlov was leading research into the digestive systems of dogs. This research made him accidentally come across and discover one of behavioural psychology's main processes which was classical conditioning.
Classical conditioning is the process of learning through associations. In the 1980’s Pavlov carried out numerous experiments on dogs using many different surgical implanted devices to test and measure the amount of saliva when the dogs were being fed. Pavlov noted that the dogs salivated not just at the time the dogs where eating but also when they could smell or see tempting food. Classical conditioning occurs when you learn to associate two different stimuli. The first stimulus that you will encounter is called the unconditioned stimulus. An unconditioned stimulus produces a response without any previous learning. …show more content…

He believed that we do not have such a thing as a mind, and that it is simply more productive to study observable behavior rather than internal mental events. Behaviorism suggests that psychology is a science of behavior not science of mind as the source of an individual's behavior is external not internal. The psychodynamic approach looks at the relationship between the mind, personality and psyches of the individual which sees the individuals behavior bring driven by emotions, and instinctual

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