
The History of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Decent Essays

NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA is a United States government agency that is responsible for science and technology related to air space. Space age started in 1957 with the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik and NASA was created in 1958. NASA was created to oversee U.S. space exploration and aeronautics research. NASA’s purpose today is to reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind. NASA mainly sends astronauts to orbit conduct scientific research, and many other things help scientists today better understand space. Satellites help scientists learn more about Earth and pace probes study the solar system and beyond that. Today NASA is working …show more content…

The Gemini project was named after two astronauts flying aboard Gemini spacecraft’s. Gemini was the second human spaceflight program initiated by the U.S. While operating between Apollo and Mercury, Gemini consisted of 10 successful flights in 1965 and 1966. Gemini main goals were to subject man and equipment to space flight up to two weeks in time. Project Mercury begun in 1958 and was over in 1963. Mercury was the United Sates first program to establish a human presence in space. Mercury also made six human flights from 1961 to 1963. The main goals of Mercury were to successfully orbit a manned spacecraft around Earth, investigate humankinds’ ability to function in space, and to recover both occupant and spacecraft. Apollo goal was to establish the technology to meet national interest in space, achieving domination in space, carrying out a program of scientific exploration of the moon, and developing man’s capability to work in lunar environment. Apollo 15 was one of Apollo’s successful missions. The crew consisted of Commander David R. Scott, Lunar Module pilot James B. Irwin, and Command Module pilot Alfred M. Worden. The backup crew consisted of Commander Richard F. Gordon Jr., Lunar Module pilot Harrison H. Schmitt, and Command Module pilot Vance DeVoe Brand. This mission occurred on July 26, 1971 and landed August 7, 1971. The mission’s objective was to explore the Hadley – Apennine region, to set up and activate lunar surface

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