
The History of and Issues surrounding the Same-Sex Marriage Debate

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Same-sex marriage is one of the leading political topics in the United States today. There is an ongoing dispute pertaining to the legalization of same-sex marriages. America has shifted its head to focusing on supporting same-sex marriage or not. Many are for and against this topic but there has been no settlement for it yet. Homosexuals want to marry for the same reason that heterosexuals have and there should be no reason why they are not allowed to. There is some history behind this topic but there has yet to be a solution.
During World War II and well after that brought many different social and political changes to the United States of America. One of the major changes was the discovery of homosexuality. In 1969 the Stonewall riots …show more content…

In May of 2009 the fifth state, Maine, passed legislation for same-sex marriage. Then on June third of the same year John Lynch, the New Hampshire governor, signed a legislation allowing same-sex marriage. This makes New Hampshire the sixth state in the nation to allow same-sex marriage. In this same year President Obama signs a referendum allowing same-sex partners to receive benefits through federal employees.
Homosexuals should be able to be legally married in all the United States due to the fact that their spouses will be able to get benefits, able to make medical decisions if need be, and get property inheritance. Even though people believe that civil unions and domestic partnerships are an alternative to marriage they are wrong. There should be no reason why same-sex couples cannot get married in any place in the United States. The states that do not allow same-sex marriage are severely hurting same-sex couples because they are the ones that have to pay when it comes to medical decisions, employee benefits, and even adopting children. People do not know this side of the same-sex marriage issue and that is what they need to pay more attention to.
When denying homosexuals the right to marry society is saying that gays and lesbians do not have the same rights as a heterosexual couples and that is not right. Denying marriage to same-sex couples also has emotional and financial

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