
The Hiv / Aids Epidemic

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The HIV/AIDS epidemic poses a major concern for global health. There are approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide (WHO, 2017). Due to the increased phenomenon of global migration and movement we see a proportion of individuals who are HIV positive migrating. In Canada alone, over 300,000 new immigrants were welcomed into the country in 2016 (CIC; Globe And Mail, 2016). As a result we can infer that certain proportion out of all immigration applicants into Canada were HIV positive, therefore this paper seeks to question if it is easier or more difficult to be accepted as a immigrant into Canada if you are HIV positive? In addition, under what circumstances are individuals who are HIV positive admissible into Canada, …show more content…

An analysis between the sources was conducted, in search of differing viewpoints, personal experiences and hard data and statistics. The key sources were chosen as they highlight policy updates and laws on immigration regarding HIV/AIDS from 2000-2017. The paper relies on resources with an immigrant-centered viewpoint, state centered, and health centered viewpoints during this said timeframe. The data and resources that have been complied shed light on the complexities associated with HIV/AIDS and Canadian immigration policy.

From 2002, Canada has required HIV testing for all persons aged 15 and above who are seeking Canadian permanent residency (immigrants and refuges) and temporary residency from designated countries (migrant workers, students and long-term visitors) (Bisaillon, 2010). The screening process for HIV takes place during immigration medical examinations which are conducted in sanctioned Canadian and foreign medical officers (Bisaillon, 2010). This process is a mandatory component of the Canadian immigration procedure (Bisaillon, 2010). In Canada, HIV is not considered to be a threat to public health and safety, thus being HIV positive does not make one inadmissible to Canada (Bisaillon, 2010). However, individuals may be deemed inadmissible if they are a threat to public safety and health (eg. a HIV positive sexual offender) or if

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