
The Holy Theatre By Peter Brook

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The Holy Theatre
Here I will put forward ,with pond skater like depth ,my musings on the alchemist , anti guru, rebel, theatrical royalist and acknowledged genius of modern theatre Peter Brook’s fabled hand grenade of a 60’s essay The Holy Theatre
The concept of the Holy Theatre comes from Peter Brook 's the Empty Space, in which he separates theatre into four testaments: Deadly, Holy, Rough, and Immediate Though these lines between said factions blur, overlap and interplay at any given time.
Still held up by many to be The holy grail of theatre texts , sacred in many quarters. The Holy Theatre section attempts to rediscover ritual and the spritual aspects of drama, a revaluation of a lost sense of euphoric communion. The notion of ‘Holy’ is allowed to mean an (artistic) attempt to reach essences that are neither only physical nor even mental. Peter Brook defines it as “the Theatre of the Invisible – Made – Visible.”
“holy” should be imagined as a way of seeing theatre: creating and attending theatre as if it were a holy rite, a communal passage into the mysteries of life, rather than a vehicle for solely entertainment or intellectual debate
Though, Brook insists, reality itself must be the goal . The “invisible” is an act of communication between actor and audience produced out of the need to impart some emotion. The audience may not consciously acknowledge the fact that they are being moved by the emotion, yet they are still moved: the invisible. Brook says “it is like

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