
The House On Mango Street Research Paper

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The House On Mango Street

Some people start out as naive and self-centered, but as they go through events in their life, they eventually develop more desirable traits, such as selflessness and responsibility. That is exactly what happened to Esperanza, the narrator of The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Esperanza is a young, Mexican girl who feels like she does not belong on Mango Street. She encounters a series of events and people throughout the whole book that influences the person she is and will become. Through all the important life lessons Esperanza experiences, she grows not only mentally, but emotionally, too.

An important lesson Esperanza learns about is sexuality. For example, Esperanza develops sexual feelings for Sire when she sees him staring at her. This shows that Esperanza is learning about her sexuality because she is attracted to a boy. She is acting as a traditional woman because she longs for Sire to give her attention and notice her. In addition, Sally plays a sexual game with Tito and other boys when the boys took Sally’s keys and would only give them back if she …show more content…

For example, whenever Sally’s father saw Sally with a boy, he would beat her. This shows that Sally’s father disapproves of Sally attracting boys because he believes that such attention is bad. Because Sally’s father beats her due to his disapproval of sexual attention, it is conveying the message to Esperanza that sexual attention is dangerous. In addition, Esperanza gets sexually assaulted by a boy at the amusement park while waiting for Sally. This is another example of how sexual attention can be dangerous. Because the boy were sexually attracted to Esperanza, he did inappropriate sexual things to her that she did not like at all, which lead her to believe that sexual attention is a dangerous thing. Learning that sexual attention can be dangerous is a big part of Esperanza’s path to

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