
The Hrc (Human Rights Campaign)

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The Human rights campaign is an interest group which in fact deals with human rights. This group has expanded over the years and has a huge influence on the world today. The human rights campaign has had a lot of success in and out of the white house. Some issues that the HRC deals with are gay rights, transgender equality and hate crimes. The HRC are very dynamic and cater to a lot of needs. The HRC is a human rights right group which deals with many different and controversial issues. The people who join this group aren’t just gay and lesbian Americans. The HRC isn’t just exclusive to gays and lesbians it’s a group open to everyone. Some people typically think that the HRC is just a gay and lesbian group but they deal with equal …show more content…

It took “voices of Honor” national tour which was 50 cities in partnership with service members united, culminating in DC with Veterans lobby day where hundreds of veterans lobbied congress. It took 625,000 emails generated from constituents urging repeal. For equal marriage to be passed in New York it took a lot of work. The HRC led the largest field campaign ever in support of state LGBT rights legislation. An unprecedented 30 full time field organizers were employed by HRC across the state and they generated over 150,000 constituent contacts to targeted legislators. The political action committee for the HRC is among the National Journals top rated PAC’s. The following components make up the criteria for determination of whether the Human Rights Campaign will endorse a candidate: support for issues of concern to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community; (2) demonstrated leadership on HRC’s issues and (3) viability. In 2008 the HRC engaged in the largest electoral campaign in history by endorsing an aggressive 7 million to mobilize and motivate millions of LGBT voters. Then in 2012 the HRC supported Barack Obama once again but contributed 20 million dollars to the effort. The HRC had a strong presence in the first ever congressional hearing that focused exclusively on transgender American and workplace discrimination. The hearing was an effort to educate federal lawmakers on transgender issues and lay the groundwork for

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