
The Hunger Artist : Character Analysis Of The Hunger Artist

Decent Essays

In Europe in the early nineteen hundreds, a man who calls himself the Hunger Artist, fasts for a living. The Hunger Artist, who identifies himself as only a professional faster, travels with his “manager” known as Impresario, to small European villages. Once there, the two put on a show. The show consisted of the hunger artist being locked in a cage for up to forty days without any food. People would come and watch him perform different things as he starved. For the Impresario, it was only a show where he saw the chance for self gain. However, for the Hunger Artist, this was a test. The Hunger Artist enjoyed pushing himself to the limit and did it to be admired by the public. The story continued and the popularity of professional faster declined. The Hunger Artist eventually joined the circus where he continued to push himself to the point of breaking his own record. He eventually does so and then dies after not being seen by anyone. He was found by a circus worker and then buried. After his cage was empty, the circus replaced him for a panther that was full of energy and entertainment. This short story heavily focuses on the character. Throughout the whole story the character is what keeps the reader interested because the author continues to develop him. Even though this story only has a few characters, the main character plays a vital role and strengthens the story. The hunger artist is very unhappy and not content with his life. It is clear that he depends on others for

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