
Hunger Satire

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Everyone feels it at one point or another. Hunger will sink its claws into anyone it comes in contact with. Hunger, to most people, is their stomachs making slow rumbling noises; sometimes a deep ache in the pit of the stomach; not knowing what it is they crave but know they want something. They say hunger is simply the body needing food. While this is correct, it’s the ignorant man’s answer. I was one of those ignorant people, until I experienced what it feels like to need something so bad I can’t think of anything else.
Hunger is not limited to someone merely wanting a midnight snack. It’s the pain experienced when the stomach has nothing inside but still tries to digest; the pain someone who knows they need to eat but cannot fathom putting one bite of food into their mouth feels. Hunger is the feeling starving people feel, as if their innards are being twisted so tight they might pop; the look in their eyes when they see a restaurant worker bring out the trash and set it just out of their reach. Hunger …show more content…

It is not just wanting a sandwich; hunger is present everywhere. The look in someone’s eyes when they desire nothing more than to travel the world, that’s hunger. When a musician spots a new piece of music, and their finger twitch at the thought of being able to play it, they can’t help themselves they need to play it. Hunger is the feeling of love; when a person wants another so much they feel as though they might burst; the need of the one that is not there with them. The feeling in the center of a person who wants to do what they love, but have no time to do it. It’s present when someone loses a loved one; the feeling of regret for not doing enough with them; the emptiness when they realize that person is gone forever. Knowing the one person desired most cannot be there, because they’re off living their life, or dead. Hunger is the feeling of seeing others laugh with ease, and not being able to it

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