
The Hunger Games: Katniss Everdeen's Journey

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In the Hunger games, Katniss Everdeen must journey alongside Peeta Mellark in an arena where they must fight till death with 11 other districts till 1 remains, while also weighing survival and love. As we follow Katniss’s journey, we see how she has proven her way to be a traditional hero. Katniss's "Call to adventure" comes with the start of the 74th annual Hunger Games. Katniss and her sister prim rose make their way to the "reaping" where 1 girl and 1 boy are chosen to compete. As they anxiously wait, Prim rose is drawn for district 12. Katniss can’t bare to see her sister face such a grim fate, Katniss automatically volunteers to take her place in the games, district 12’s very first volunteer as tribute. Peeta Mellark, is called as district 12’s male tribute, Katniss remembers the first time she saw him after her father's death, peeta gave her bread that was well needed. …show more content…

On the day of the Games, Cinna dresses Katniss in her uniform for the games. The speaker announces the tributes to launch. The next morning, she is awoken by a wall forest fire created by the Gamemakers, including fireballs that are flung at her. She survives the attack but suffers a severe burn on her calf. She goes to sleep and is woken by the sound of footsteps. Katniss is briefly chased by the Career pack, consisting of Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, Clove, the female from District 4, and Peeta, and escapes up a tree. The Careers realize that they are all too heavy to climb the tree, so they decide to wait for her to come down. Suddenly, Rue appears high up in a neighbouring tree and points to the tracker jacker nest above Katniss. She quickly and painfully cuts in down. The tracker jackers attack the Careers, killing Glimmer. The Careers run to the lake. Katniss is also stung and starts to run in the other

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