
The Idea Of Heroism In The United States

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People think of heroism in a very different way.Individuals who hold specific positions or just people who are known by way of doing something to make a difference . Anyone can be a hero . It is just the way you carry and present yourself . Also it is what your intentions are, either they are helpful and useless. Everyone has a hero in life . A hero is not someone who only saves people from death and walks around with a cape around their neck . A hero is a someone who tries their hardest to make a difference in life . An army fights in other countries to make sure that the American people are attacked . Some people look at them as heroes because they saved the whole country from being hurt and killed . Politicians are also heros in many people's eyes because of they fight for and save people from struggling . They help lower taxes ,make streets safer by making stricter laws to make the area they serve safer . …show more content…

People need to be saved from so much . It feel as if we went from good to atrocious . Reason is because when Barack Obama was in office it seems as if the direction he was pulling us in was changing America for the better . For eight years Barack Obama was a hero to some people . He was the hero to many lives because he saved many people from all the turmoil that George W. Bush caused . Barack gave many people who could not afford healthcare for free . When that was accomplished he even had the healthcare coverage expanded throughout . He saved people by lowering the high rate of unemployment . Barack ended war with Iraq and had many troops return home to their families .There are so many things that Barack has done that the American people are glad about that he did . He changed the life of many individuals and made a easier living . Of course there were people who disliked his ideas for various reasons

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