
The Ideas Of Reading And Writing

Better Essays

The ideas of reading and writing seems intertwined; to do one of them one has to know how to do the other. Therefore, this makes both as powerful as the other in language and literature. Most authors who talk about the ideology of reading and writing, compose their works mainly based from outside sources and other author’s works. However, comic writer Alison Bechdel composes a story about the troubles and hardships she encounters while writing. This oddly more intricate story, offers a deeper look into Bechdel’s personal life in which she explains her own thoughts as an omnipotent narrator. As the narrator of her own story – showing the character’s actual thoughts apart from dialogue – Bechdel introduces her main theory: the creation of …show more content…

Bechdel accidentally blocked the easy way of confronting her mother about the memoir her character was writing about her father. Because of this, she’s now faced with the only choice of climbing through a tiny window filled with dirt, cobwebs and spiders. As the dream continues, she realizes there’s a large door behind her which leads to a body of water with stepping-stones. She’s found what seems like an easy way out, and this way even lays out the path for her. When she steps on the first rock however, instead of the rock being safe and solid, she unexpectedly falls into the water. This symbolizes that there is really is no easy path to confronting her mother, and that she has to just dive into talking to her mother about what appears, a very touchy subject. So, dive in she did.
Later on while she is still in the dream, instead of a basement Bechdel is now in her car. She is practicing what she wants to say to her mother later during their “talk”, when traffic starts to thicken. In the comic there are road work signs and shoulder closings, which symbolizes the bumpy path she’s about to meet and how the road will only get narrower and more dangerous as she goes along. This is when the story she writes of her father begins, but she soon realizes she cannot “live and write at the same time.” She then experiences a close encounter with death from a Stroehmann Sunbeam Bread truck – the same

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