
The Impact Of Collectivization

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Collectivization was one of Stalin’s policies in addressing the emerging decline in food production in the Soviet Union. He wanted to get rid of NEP which Lenin started, he felt that it was not communism and was not fast enough. Therefore, he introduced collectivization which started in 1928 and ended in 1940. It started during the first five-year plan and was part of it. Collectivization was Stalin’s answer to the grain procurement crisis of 1927-28. Grain was procured by force in an attempt to socialize land, to ensure that it was no longer owned by individual peasants. There were 3 types of collective farm. Firstly, The Toz, which was peasant owned land but shared machinery and cooperating harvesting. Secondly, The Sovkhoz, it was owned …show more content…

It was a success but in reality, it was an agricultural disaster on a huge scale. Many people were shot or deported, mostly kulaks. Stalin identified them as class enemies because he wanted to frighten the middle and poor peasants into joining Kolkhoz. A large number of animals were also slaughtered. It can be seen from Table 1. The number of animals significantly decreased over the next few years compared to 1930. The political impact is that party control spreaded to the countryside and there was extended central government control over rural areas. The social impact was the removal of the capitalist class (elimination of the kulaks). 15 million kulaks were killed. Taken from historian Dmitri Volkogonov, ‘‘The successful ‘liquidation of the kulaks’ inflated Stalin’s confidence in himself a a dictator’’ and ‘‘the bloody revolution costing millions of lives brought the country no relief’’ The economic impact is shortage of meat and milk but the use of machinery was also higher after mid …show more content…

Millions lived in primitive housing conditions while working on the vast projects in the interior of Russia and the workers endured simultaneous pay-cuts and production speed-ups in order to finance Stalin’s ambitious projects without foreign investments. Workers were ruthlessly disciplined: absenteeism was treated harshly unless a doctor’s certificate was produced; doctors who gave certificates too easily faced prosecution themselves. Lastly, there was a severe shortage of consumer goods due to concentration on heavy industries. These shortages led to high prices, resulting in a 50% drop in actual value of the workers’ salaries as they could only buy less with the same amount of

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