
The Impact Of Friar Laurence On The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Even though Shakespeare’s play: Romeo and Juliet wasn’t real, people still repeatedly ask who influenced and is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Three reasons that explain why Friar Laurence and Romeo had an impact on the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet are because Friar Laurence thought their marriage would stop rivalry between the family, he didn’t deliver the letter for Romeo in time, and Romeo rushed into a new relationship. The first reason on how Friar Laurence had impact on Romeo and Juliet’s death is because he thought their marriage would stop rivalry between the family. In Document C, the author states “For this alliance may so happy prove --- To turn your households’ rancor to pure love.” Friar Laurence thinks that if Romeo, who is a Montague, marries Juliet, a Capulet, the two families might come together and that’s where he went wrong. The priest (Friar Laurence) already knows how strong the hatred is that runs deep through both the Capulet and Montague families but he thinks nothing of it. Friar Laurence doesn’t see anything wrong with it because he thinks their marriage would stop feud that runs within the family. …show more content…

In Document E, the author states in the note “Friar Laurence is unable to deliver the letter informing Romeo that Juliet is not actually dead.” Friar Laurence was supposed to let Romeo know that Juliet was NOT dead. However, unfortunately he was too late. Friar Laurence arrived at the Capulets’ tomb to see Romeo pallid as can be. If Friar Laurence would’ve delivered the letter like he was supposed to, Romeo would’ve probably been alive to understand the whole plan that Juliet and Friar Laurence had

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