
The Impact Of Immigrants

Decent Essays

Immigration has supported the growth of the U.S. economy for a very long time now. Immigrants and refugees are business owners, job creators, taxpayers, and consumers. They help stabilize the US economy and society. The countries immigrants are coming from way more diverse countries than ever before. Immigrants, make up a good amount of the US population, they come to seek a better life and future. But many come to the United States, and have a very hard time adapting to the society and culture. Although they face many challenges immigrants are persistent and find ways to adapt to the country. There are many examples of immigrants who came to the US and not only did they survive they thrived.
Raul Andres came from Mexico to Michigan in 1985 as an immigrant. Just like many others, he came to the country with a lot of dreams and to find a better life for himself and his family. He worked three very long years taking tomatoes from plants and only getting hundred dollars each day. He did this everyday, but the problem was that he could only earn money in crop season and he couldn’t find another job. He started working in a furniture manufacturing company when he moved to California to live with his sister’s family. His sister was married to the manager of the factory,which helped him and gave him an advantage in getting a job. He earned fifty a day and worked eight hours a day, he was grateful for this even though it was low income it got him more money than his last job.

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