
The Influence Of Immigration On The United States

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According to certain society, the definition of an illegal immigrant is an individual or group that has migrated across the national or international borders in a way that violates the immigration law of that country. Most individual’s state that the government should crack down on unlawful immigrants, on the contrary other’s think that the government shouldn’t crack down on the immigrants. Immigration is not burden on the United States, and the United States government shouldn't crackdown on illegal immigration, because immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than American citizens, contribute more to the American economy, and they make most of the United States population. Americans think that immigrants are the reason to increased crime rates, well Americans are totally wrong. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than American citizens because they are afraid that the government will deport them or blow things out of proportion. Center for American Progress (CAP) stated that, “the Immigration Policy Center study found that the incarceration rate for immigrant men ages 18-39 in 2007 was 0.7 percent, while American men in the same age group was 3.5 percent (2014). As the statistics shows that Americans are the ones increasing the crime rates. An individual has the right to honor or disobey the law his or her culture, accent, or ancestors should not matter to why they have done the crime.

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