
The Impact Of Stadium Alcohol Sales On Drinking Behaviors And Incidents

Decent Essays

In the Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education is the letter “Tapping into College Football: The Need for Research Examining the Impact of Stadium Alcohol Sales on Drinking Behaviors and Incidents” written to the editor by Adam E. Barry, Texas A&M; Steven M. Howell, Northern Illinois University; and Steven Salaga, Texas A&M University. Barry, Howell, and Salaga give background information on the alcohol sales and alcohol related incidents. They focus on the West Virginia University Case findings heavily. The research provided shows a decrease in alcohol related incidents in 2010 which was the year before allowing alcohol to be sold in the West Virginia stadium (Tapping into College Football). According to Jenni Carlson, a sports columnist for the Oklahoman, “West Virginia decided to start selling beer at concession stands in 2011. That was its final season in the Big East before jumping to the Big 12. The first year that it sold alcohol in the stadium, sales added $700,000 to the athletic department coffers. But there were more benefits, benefits that should interest other schools. In 2011, the campus police at West Virginia reported an across-the-board drop in game-day incidents. Calls. Cases. Arrests. Charges. All of them went down, including a 35 percent drop in arrests,” (Cheers to Selling Beers at Football Games).
With younger colleges, emerges new sports programs, like the University of South Alabama (USA), a Division I, Sunbelt football team that started in 2005. As a

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