
The Impact Of The Cold War

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The Cold War is a hostile tension between powers in the Eastern Bloc and powers in the Western Bloc without any military invasion after the World War II. According to Heonik Kwon from “Origin of the Cold War, 2010”, the Cold War means “the contest of power and will between the two dominant states” (Kwon, 1002). The tension began to culminate when the United States formed the Marshall Plan in 1948 and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 and the Korean War and the Vietnam War brought the Cold War to hit the climax. With that being said, the “contest of power” dimension of the Cold War has been a major element in Cold War historiography In this paper, I will explore why the era is known as the Cold War in relation to the United State and the Soviet Union. Moreover, since the war has tremendous influences on today’s society, I will explore the impact of Cold War from a global perspective. The Cold War is the period of political and military tension between two superpowers from 1949 to 1991. The reason why the era is known as the Cold War in relation to the United State and the Soviet Union is that although two countries were in conflict, there was no military invasion but due to their internal conflict, the third worlds were influenced by ideological warfare. The end of World War II, the
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U.S., and the U.S.S.R promoted two opposite economic and political ideologies, which are communism and democracy and they wanted to conquer international influence

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