
The Impact Of The Great Depression On Mexican Americans

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During the time of the depression I have visited and photographed people from all over the nation in an attempt to see the impact of the depression. I have ventured near and far to see what mark the great depression had left on the lives of the young. It inflicted a heavy psychological toll that will continues through the rest of these children's lives. The Economic hardship and loss seen throughout the country overwhelmed private charities and local governments trying to help the people. From what i've seen Mexican Americans were hit especially hard during the depression. They faced serious hostility from organized labor, which disliked competition from Mexican workers as unemployment rates rose. Given in by Union pressure federal, state, and local authorities forced many to return to their country which many I had known and befriended. …show more content…

One image in particular is of a family of 6 standing outside next to their car. While taking the photo I heard the wind blowing from the southern plains and the rumble of the car engine. I remember the smell of dust, sweat, and gasoline from the many passing families in the area. While taking it, I felt very tired and dirty thinking of what these families had been going through. Before I left after talking to the family I remember hearing one young boy say “ Daddy, how much longer do we have to drive before we can eat” and hearing those words just broke my heart. Families starving and traveling, trying to create a better future for their children.This family left their home due to a terrible drought in the 1930s, which well over 500,000 people fled the Southern Plains and of that over 200,000 were drawn to California because of the cotton crop that promised jobs in the

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