
The Impact Of Uncivility In Nursing

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Research in the area of incivility in nursing all agree that is it counterproductive, a morale killer, costly, and above all else dangerous. In an excerpt written by the American Nurses Association, incivility is defines as “one or more rude, discourteous, or disrespectful actions that may or may not have a negative intent behind them” (American Nurses Association). The field of nursing is a challenging, emotional, and high-stress profession susceptible for uncivil behavior towards one another.

Explained by McNamara, incivility is lateral and usually directed from someone in a position of power toward a coworker who has less power. Examples of lateral incivility can occur among nurse manager to nurse, nurse to student, faculty to student, or physician to nurse (McNamara, p. 1). Incivility can also take the form of bullying in either an overt manner such as name calling, gossip, and public humiliation to covert such as unfair patient assignments, refusal to help, and refusal to work with certain people. …show more content…

“Staff turnover not only impacts the clinical unit but also the organization’s financial outlook. Because nurses are opting to leave a hostile environment, “new staff must be hired and trained, resulting in increased costs” (Blevins, 2015, p. 380) that according to Clark (as cited by Blevins) costs $300 billion annually. Paramount to the impact of incivility among nurses is the effect on patient care. Lack of teamwork, clarification, and care will lead to sentinel events that could have otherwise been

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