
The Importance Of A Child Brain Development

Decent Essays

I contacted Brittany Kees, a Program Manager and IEP Coordinator, for a knowledgeable discussion on the importance of child brain development. Ms. Kees is proficient in the field, working with a non-profit organization that provides educational resources for adolescences and teenagers with mental and learning disabilities. I felt Ms. Kees would be a great fit for my interview because she constructs learning plans for individuals who were neglected an educational environment at an early age. Ms. Kees is experienced in early childhood development and has worked consistently with individuals that lack basic knowledge. In our interview she expressed the importance of early childhood brain development, how families of low income can provide educational experiences, and why nutritional foods play a large role in a child’s everyday life. To evaluate the approaches used to enhance child brain development, I asked Ms. Kees, “Why do you feel it is important to enhance a child 's brain development?” Ms. Kees answered “It is important to enhance a child 's brain development due to the fact that it affects every aspect of their life. If a student 's brain is not enhanced properly, deficits such as reading, writing, and math abilities are affected. Brain development is important for everyday living skills, such as telling time, counting money and being able to purchase products from the store. Trauma early in life also affects brain development and that is what my students suffer from

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