
The Importance Of A Rite Aid

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I can't remember the last time I visited a Rite Aid, so when I drove by one today, I had to turn around and take a look around. After promising the kids that I'd be right back (that really means pull out your video game devices and have good time). I planned to do a little personal comparison to my local CVS and Wallgreens. My plan was to look around, not shop, but when I found two sister polishes to my Revlon Holo Pearl, I couldn't pass them up. Revlon's top coat effects 'Pink Glaze' and 'Gold Glaze'. Pink Glaze Gold Glaze I was so impressed with Revlon's 'Holo Pearl' that I couldn't resist the other two. I didnt expect them to live up to the same standard as the 'Holo Pearl', however, simply because they

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