
The Importance Of A Skill As A Team Player With Creating Positive Work

Decent Essays

A skill is defined as “the ability, coming from one 's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.” My three strongest skills would have to be teamwork, problem solving, and leadership. I exemplify my teamwork skills by serving as a team player and creating positive work relationships with everyone in my department to help achieve organizational goals. One example of this would be assisting my fellow co-worker with a work project that she is unfamiliar with. I’m also a good problem solver. I have the ability to identify problems in my department and generate alternatives and implement a solution to preclude the problem. I look at problems from different angles and try to see what would be the best solution. An example of this skill would be a recent change I suggested in my department. There were multiple occasions where employees were scheduled for training sessions, but were not being notified before the date of this activity causing them to miss their training session. Many supervisors stated they themselves did not know the dates when their employees were scheduled for training. To fix this ongoing issue I now print out a training schedule every month and post it in the lunchroom and main office so that it is visible to everyone in the department. I also send the schedule out in the beginning of the week of the scheduled training session via email to all the supervisors. This has eliminated missed training sessions and it also gives the opportunity for

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