
The Importance Of A Theoretical Frame Work On Reading Comprehension Of Readers Essay

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5.1. Overview
Some important aspects have been identified from the results of interview, survey and FGD. The issues and factors have been discussed in this chapter. And the researcher has tried to relate the issues with the literature review and research design chapters. In other words, these key points are working here to create a theoretical frame work for analyzing all data in an organized manner.

Apparently, it could be thought that chunking help the readers to understand the passage easily and it would help the reader to read the passage fast and comprehend faster than the readers who are not using chunking while reading passage. Generally, this study provides little evidence that pre-organizing reading material into meaningful chunks improves the reading comprehension of readers.

5.2. Analysis of FGD
The study and findings from the result is quite contradictory to the result of Steven (1983), who found chunked reading materials helpful for high school readers. The reason behind this was the students were explained the necessity of chunking and also the teacher gave them chunked and unchunked materials on the board and explained importance of reading in phrases.

Moreover, the teacher also gave them examples of wrongly phrased passages that changed the meaning of the passage. Students were told that slash lines in the material they would read divided the material into thought units and that if they could use these to organize their thought, their comprehension

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