
The Importance Of Anonymous Sources In Journalism

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Anonymous sources in Journalism

“Journalism scholars, critics, and the public continue to debate the wisdom of using unnamed sourcing in news reports. Proponents argue that granting sources anonymity is necessary to ensure the free flow of information that otherwise would go unreported. Critics of the practice charge that journalists too readily grant anonymity and thus risk undermining media credibility.” (Duffy).
Anonymous sourcing is defined as the use of information from someone who is not willing to put their name behind whatever they are saying. This type of sourcing has always been incredibly controversial for obvious reasons. Many argue that anonymous sourcing is unethical and unbelievable, while others think that information must be legit if sources are skeptical about admitting to it.
“Anonymous sources are one of the sexiest things in journalism. The idea conjures images of late-night meetings in parking garages, voice modulators and Watergate-era intrigue. The fact that someone feels the need to be protected makes their information feel more valuable,” (Dobbs).

There are many reasons why sources choose to keep their identity private, a few of these include the fear of losing employment, and as a security clearance from the public when giving out information that might be controversial at the time being.
“A flurry of inaccurate stories about O.J. Simpson based on unnamed sources has rekindled the debate over their use. Detractors say they hurt the media's

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