
Book Banning

Decent Essays

Think back to when you were in high school, do you remember that one book you read that really opened your eyes? Well the sad reality is that somewhere in the world that favorite book you read is either banned or challenged in a library. So it sits locked away never to open the eyes of another or help educate them further on its contents. Books should not be banned in libraries. We have the freedom of speech, so why take away or censor our freedom to simply read and consume literature? There are usually two ludicrous reasons as to why books are banned or challenged, one of them is that someone gets offended by its contents. I see in many cases that a very religious person gets outraged by homosexuality in books, and sadly enough that is one of the leading causes of …show more content…

Some religions do not like talk of magic or sorcery in fiction books, but that does not mean they should ruin it for everyone else. The second and most common cause of book banning is a parent gets upset that their child is reading a book that may contain some more mature scenes. I understand that some parents may want to protect their children from the more mature content, but by no means should you ban the book. Someone older and more mature may find this book enlightening! A great example of this is a parent in Wallingford, Connecticut who filed a complaint against Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and took matters so far to have the book banned. The parent complained about the book’s depiction of homosexuality, sex, and a “glorification of alcohol use and drugs,” according to the local news paper. Perks of being a wallflower is about a boy suffering heavily from post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD and depression. The book takes readers through a roller coaster of emotions, but

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