
The Importance Of Banning Books In Schools

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Oscar Wilde, an Irish novelist, wrote,“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” I believe that local libraries and schools should have the right to ban or regulate disliked books. Three reasons why they should have that right are, to prevent young children from checking out inappropriate contented books, to keep kids in a comfortable and safe feeling environment at school, and some books have lots of violence
One reason why libraries should have the right to regulate or ban disliked books is to prevent young children from checking out inappropriate books. Many books in the library are not considered appropriate for children due to the kind of language used and the violent, offensive, or unsuitable content. Libraries should install ratings on books as movies have ratings. Adding ratings will help with children trying to borrow unfit books for their age. If the books were rated the children that were not old enough to acquire them would have to have an adult present to borrow the book. Books at libraries should be rated to prevent children getting hold of inappropriate contented books. …show more content…

Parents have the right to be protective and want the best for their kid. So parents should be able to have their child not read a certain book. Some parents may not want their children to read books with lots of vulgar language in them. Shielding kids will prevent them from feeling unsafe at school. This could potentially help with the academic growth of the child. If the child feels safe at school, they could work better and harder. Parents should be able to protect their children from things they think could be

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