
The Importance Of Bees In Our Food Supply

Satisfactory Essays

The decline of bees will lead to a major loss in our food supply. Bees are necessary in the production of foods like almonds, coffee, honey, apples, mangos, strawberries, and many more (Source 2). Without bees, we lose the foods that require pollination, which is a huge loss to our food supply. In fact, we’d actually be losing 1/3 of our food supply (source 3). By losing bees, we’d be losing a huge portion of our food supply and our meals would be very limited. We’re already very close to losing certain foods. In 2013, almond farmers didn't have enough bees to fully meet their needs (source 2). The loss of bees is coming to a point where it's already affecting our food supply and production. To help save the bees, we can limit

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