
The Importance Of Being A Member Of Society

Satisfactory Essays

Imagine being a member of society that is automatically deemed inferior in most social settings before a single word is even spoken. Imagine being a member of society that is assumed to fail, and is simply an exception when successful. Imagine being a member of society that has not earned these hardships, but rather has been burdened with them by the older generation who has been ingrained with a skewed mindset. It’s not hard to imagine; as a young woman, I experience this every day. Millennials are often viewed as lazy, sensitive brats who would rather tweet about daily struggles than assume action to actually change it. On top of that, for generations, the prevailing attitude has been that “a woman’s place is in the wrong”. Mix these two stereotypes together and the result is a disastrous concoction of assumed inferiority and immediate disrespect. Despite its falsehood, this belief seems to have infected the older population and has become of immense detriment to our society. One of my three jobs (just another lazy Millennial, right?) is a refereeing positon at the local YMCA. Our basketball season is notorious for outrageous parents and feisty coaches, and the past season was certainly not an exception. Having successfully reprimanded several players and spectators throughout the winter, I thought I had asserted myself as an authority figure who had won the right to demand respect. One of the final games of the night seemed to test this belief as the middle-aged, male

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